Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Plan

For anyone who knows me, has visited my house, ridden in my car, been unfortunate enough to open one of my closets, they know that I don't have the greatest organization skills.  I am messy and I will bust into big cleaning sprees, accomplishing a lot but creating a new mess that perpetuates the cycle.

I don't like it...but I do it.

This blog, though potentially futile, hopefully will help me end this.  My disorganization lies not in a lack of knowledge about cleaning- I know the rules...clean as you go...if you haven't used it, lose it...etc.- but rather a laziness which leads to feeling overwhelmed.

So to change my icky habits I want to start this process.  I will give myself 12 months to complete 12 major organization projects- 1 project per month.  Since I am beginning with 10 days left in August rather than giving an excuse and not starting, I will create a mini-project to get me started.  So here goes:

The projects:

* The mini project (August 2011)- Wash dishes and wash a load of laundry every night.

1) September 2011- The Kitchen (Which happens to be my worst enemy.) 

2) October 2011- The Living Room

3) November 2011- The Toy Room (Gotta get ready for Christmas)

4) December 2011- The Master Bedroom (What a present for the hubby!)

5) January 2012- The Closets (New Year, new organization)

6) February 2012- My Son's Room (Toys, Clothes...yeah, it will take a month)

7) March 2012- The Laundry Room (Oh this room taunts me regularly)

8) April 2012- The Computer Room (Tax time...paperwork....phew)

9) May 2012- The Garage (Spring Cleaning)

10) June 2012- The Basement (Purge the Junk...repeat, Purge the Junk)

11) July 2012- The Cars (It is not a closet, or a storage room)

12) August 2012- To Be Announced (I came up short by 1 project...surely I will think of something)

Wish me's to Organizing Emily- a wife, a mother, a friend, a teacher....on a mission for an organized house!!